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1954 Generalcargo

Buildingyard: Kockums mek. Verkstad A/B., Malmø/ Sweden
Built year: 1954
Yard no: 369
Tonnage : GRT: 6356/ NET: 3794/ TDW: 9750
Dims: LOA: 152,10/ BR: 19,56/ DR: 8,421mtr
Machinery: 10-cyl M.A.N. by the shipbuilder - 9000bhp
Speed: 17,00knots
Reeferspace: 805,33 cbm / Passengers: 12
21.01.1954: Launched
20.05.1954: Delivered. Price: NOK23.029.010,68
15.12.1976: Sold to Pacific International Lines (Pte) Singapore. Renamed KOTA MOLEK
03.11.1982: Arrived at Gadani beach to be broken up by Pak. Mehran Ltd.
16.04.1982: Demolition commenced
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