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1921-1936 General Cargo

Buildingyard: Akers Mek. Verksted A/S., Oslo
Built year: 1921
Yard no: 389
Tonnage : GRT: 4971/ NET: 3062/ TDW: 7560
Dims : LOA: 362,0/ BR: 51,6/ DR: 31,2ft
Machinery: Two 6-cyl by the shipbuilder. Driving twin screwsl
IHP: 2200
Speed: 9,00knots
Photo: via Bjørn Pedersen
Wilhelmsens first sea-going motorship
16.03.1921: Launched
22.09.1921: Completed. Price paid: 4.054.762,78NOK
17.06.1936: Sold to E.B. Aaby, later E.B. Aaby's Rederi, Oslo. Renamed TENTO
00.00.1940: Caught in Norwegian water by the Germans under the occupaiton of Norway. Placed under German control.
06.05.1944: Sank in Kiel Bay after striking a mine. On passage from Norway with a cargo of coal. The wreck was later blown up

Photo: via Bjørn Pedersen
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