1964 Tanker

Buildingyard: Eriksbergs Mek. Verkstad A/B., Gothenburg/ Sweden
Built year: 1964
Yard no: 563
Tonnage: GRT: 35824/ NET: 19334/ TDW: 62150
Dims: LOA: 236,18/ BR: 32,19/ DR: 12,828mtr
Machinery: 9-cyl B&W by the shipbulder - 18900bhp
Speed: 16,50knots
12.05.1964: Launched
08.10.1964: Delivered. Price paid: NOK 47.384.101
16.04.1968: Sold to Jørgen P. Jensens Rederier, registreted in the name of A/S Jensens Rederi I,II,III & IV (Marlow Wangen)
Arendal. Renamed CAPTO
00.00.1975: Sold to Alltrans Shipping Ltd. (Allied Shipping International Corp.), Liberia. Renamed ACTIUM
00.00.1977: Transferred to Greek registry
00.00.1982: Sold to Sea Justice SA., Greece. Renamed HOPE
00.00.1984: Sold to Hyundai Heavy Industries Co Ltd. (Offshore Construction Dept), South Korea. Converted into a Crane-ship
She was shorthened and widened. New tonnage: grt 24558/ net 17117. Dim.: LOA:177,86/ BR: 39,16/ DR: 7,033mtr.
Renamed HHI 1200
00.00.1988: Transferred to Hyundai Engineering & Construction Co Ltd.
10.00.1998: Sold to Iranian Offshore Engineering & Construction Teheran, Iran. Renamed ABOUZAR 1200
00.00.2002: Converted into a pipelaying and derrick selfpropelled vessel at ASRY Shipyard, Bahrain. manager: K.I.To. Enterprises LLC., Dubai
30.05.2017: Still in service acc to Equasis.org