1933 General cargo

Buildingyard: N.V. Nederlandsche Scheepsbouw Maatsch., Amsterdam
Built year: 1933
Yard no: 224
Tonnage : GRT: 6850/ NET: 4209/ TDW: 10225
Dims: LOA: 479,1 BR: 61,1/ DR: 29,0ft
Machinery: 2 x 6-cyl by Gebr. Stork & Co NV., Hengelo
IHP: 10000
Speed: 16,25knots
Passengers: 12
Photo: Unknown
18.02.1933: Launched
27.05.1933: Completed. price paid: NOK 2.881.066,00
00.04.1940: In service for NOTRASHIP during 2nd. WW
28.02.1956: Fire brouke out in the jutecargo in hold no.3 "tweendeck". The vessel was near Rangoon on a voyage from Chittagong
to Oslo. The vessel was beached the following day in Liffey Sands, but broke in two. Declared a total loss
22.09.1956: The wreck sold to L. Bauer of London. They engaged a local salvor to salvage the wreck

Photo via Stein.

Photo: Unknown
From the "testrun" from the shipyard