1898-1922 General cargo
Buildingyard: William Doxford & Sons Ltd., Sunderland/ UK
Built year: 1898
Yard no: 262
Tonnage: GRT: 4375/ NET: 2808/ TDW: 7100
Dims : LOA: 365,6/ BR: 50,3/ DR: 26,5ft
Machinery: 3-cyl triplexp steamengine by the shipbuilders
IHP: 1900
Speed: 10,0 knots
Photo: WW Fleetlist 150 years
21.06.1898: Launched by Wm. Doxford & Sons Ltd., Sunderland for A.N. Hansen & Co., Copenhagen.
03.08.1898: Completed and registreted in Tønsberg for a company in which Wilh. Wilhelmsen were a shareholder. The company were
also managersfor the ship
02.12.1922: Sold to Emil R. Retzlaff, Germany. Renamed WALSUNG
00.00.1923: Registreted in ownership of Dampfer Reederei "Merkur"(1922) GmbH (Emil R.Retzlaff), Germany
21.01.1925: Wrecked at Stangholmen Light nearTranøy. On passage from Stettin to Narvik in ballast