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1962 Bulkcarrier

Buildingyard: Akers Mek. Verksted A/S, Oslo/ Norway
Built year: 1962
Yard no: 524
Tonnage : GRT: 12153/ NET: 6643/ TDW: 18780
Dims: LOA: 159,63/ BR: 21,13/ DR: 9,804mtr
Machinery: 5-cyl B&W by the shipbuilder - 9400bhp
Speed: 15,00knots
Photo: WW 150years - Fleet List
20.01.1962: Launched
25.05.1962: Completed. Price: 23.383.568NOK
01.05.1965: Broke in two and sank about 3 miles NW of Pt Nicolas, Peru. The vessel was in tow after striking a submerged rock the previous day
during a voyage from San Nicolas to Kokura with a cargo of iron ore pellets. Her Master was lost, but the rest of the crew were saved
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