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1917 General cargo

Buildingyard: Union Iron Works Co., Alameda, California/ US
Built year: 1917
Yard no: 139
Tonnage: GRT: 7815/ NET: 5847/ TDW: 11650
Dims: LOA: 410,9/ BR: 56,2/ DR: 38,4ft
Machinery: 3-cyl 3exp by shipbuilders yard in San Fransisco - 2500 ihp
Speed: 11,00knots
Photo: Unknown
20.01.1917: Launched
00.03.1917: Completed. Price: NOK 7.133.942,85
04.12.1936: Sold to Rederi A/S Henneseid (Thoralf Holta), Porsgrunn
00.00.1937: Renamed BINNA
00.00.1939: Sold to Yosiaki Tamaya, Japan. Renamed TAMAKI MARU
00.00.1941: Sold to Nissan Kisen K.K., Japan. Renamed NISSYU MARU
18.07.1944: Torpedoed and sunk NV of Bonin Island in pos 28.43N, 139.24E by American submarine COBIA
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